eafpy.colour module#


RGBA array to RGBA string

Convert a matrix of RGBA values to list of rgba strings. If the input array has only one row, then return single string


rgba_arr (numpy array (n, 4)) – Numpy array with n rows and 4 columns, where each row represents a different colour and each column is a float representing one of RGBA If n=1, then return a single string instead of a list


A list of rgba(w,x,y,z) strings compatible with a plotly colorscale

Return type:


class eafpy.colour.colour_gradient(colour_a, colour_b)[source]#

Bases: object

gradient = []#
eafpy.colour.discrete_colour_gradient(colour_a, colour_b, num_steps)[source]#

Create colour gradient list for use in plotly colorscales Linearly interpolates between two colours using a define amount of steps

  • color_a (string) – The names of standard CSS colours to create a gradient

  • color_b (string) – The names of standard CSS colours to create a gradient

  • steps (integer) – Number of steps between between the starting and ending colour. Also the size of the list returned


A list of RGBA string values compatible with plotly colorscales

Return type:


eafpy.colour.discrete_opacity_gradient(colour, num_steps, start_opacity=0.0, end_opacity=1.0)[source]#

Create opacity gradient colour list for use in plotly colorscales

Linearly interpolates between starting and ending opacity

  • color (string) – The name of a standard CSS colour

  • steps (integer) – Number of steps between the start and end opacity. Also the size of the list returned

  • start_opacity (floats) – Choose what the starting and ending values of opacity are for the list of colours (between 0 and 1)

  • end_opacity (floats) – Choose what the starting and ending values of opacity are for the list of colours (between 0 and 1)


  • list – A list of RGBA string values compatible with plotly colorscales, interpolating opacity between two values

  • # TODO FIXME add examples of this in the styling tutorial

eafpy.colour.get_2d_colorway_from_colour(num_steps, colour)[source]#
eafpy.colour.get_example_gradients(num_steps, choice='scientific')[source]#
eafpy.colour.parse_2d_colorway(colorway, default, size_list)[source]#
eafpy.colour.parse_colorway(colorway, default, length)[source]#
eafpy.colour.parse_colour_to_nparray(colour, strings=False)[source]#

parse a single colour argument to a (1,4) numpy array representing its RGBA values This can be used to manipulate the values before converting it back to RGBA string using RGBA_arr_to_string()

  • colour (Named CSS colour, RGBA string or 8 character hex RGBA integer) –

    A colour argument can be one of the following:

    Named CSS colour string: “red” or “hotpink” RGBA string: “rgba(0.2, 0.5, 0.1, 0.5)” 8 character hex RGBA integer: 0x1234abcde

  • strings (boolean) – If strings=True then the argument will return a list of ‘rgba(w,x,y,z)’ strings instead of a numpy array


A (1,4) numpy array where each index represents one of the red, green, blue, alpha values (from 0-1)

Return type:

numpy array (1,4)