Parallel coordinates plot of a set of selected configurations. Each line in
the plot represents a configuration. By default, the final elite
configurations are shown. To visualize configurations of other iterations
these must be provided setting the argument iterations
, configurations of
different iterations are shown in different colors. Setting the only_elites
argument to FALSE
displays all configurations in the selected
iterations, specific configurations can be selected providing their ids in
the id_configuration
id_configurations = NULL,
param_names = NULL,
iterations = NULL,
only_elite = TRUE,
by_n_param = NULL,
color_by_instances = TRUE,
filename = NULL
The data generated when loading the .Rdata
file created by irace
(or the filename of that file).
Configuration ids to be included in the
plot. Example: c(20,50,100,300,500,600,700)
) Parameters to be included in the plot. Example:
Numeric vector, iteration number that should be included in the plot
(example: iterations = c(1,4,5)
logical (default TRUE
), only print elite configurations (argument ignored when
is provided)
Numeric (optional), maximum number of parameters to be displayed.
Logical (default TRUE), choose how to color the lines. TRUE shows the number of instances evaluated by the configuration in the colores. FALSE to show the iteration number where the configuration was sampled.
) File name to save the plot, for example "~/path/example/filename.png"
parallel coordinates plot
The parameters to be included in the plot can be selected with the param_names
argument. Additionally, the maximum number of parameters to be displayed in one
plot. A list of plots is returned by this function if several plots are required
to display the selected data.
To export the plot to a file, it is possible to do it so manually using the
functionality provided by plotly
( If a filename is provided,
orca server will be used to export the plots and thus, it requires the
library to be installed (
iraceResults <- read_logfile(system.file(package="irace", "exdata",
"irace-acotsp.Rdata", mustWork = TRUE))
# \donttest{
parallel_coord(iraceResults, by_n_param = 5)
#> [[1]]
#> [[2]]
parallel_coord(iraceResults, only_elite = FALSE)
parallel_coord(iraceResults, id_configurations = c(20, 30, 40, 50, 100))
parallel_coord(iraceResults, param_names = c("algorithm", "alpha", "rho", "q0", "rasrank"))
parallel_coord(iraceResults, iterations = c(1, 4, 6))
# }