Summarise by instance




The data generated when loading the .Rdata file created by irace (or the filename of that file).




irace_result <- read_logfile(system.file(package="irace", "exdata",
                                         "irace-acotsp.Rdata", mustWork = TRUE))
#> # A tibble: 10 × 9
#>    instance experiments seeds      mean       sd    median    min    max best_id
#>       <int>       <int> <int>     <dbl>    <dbl>     <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <chr>  
#>  1        1         140     2 24476676. 1783972. 23682780. 2.34e7 2.91e7 155    
#>  2        4         101     2 24401407. 1967099. 23446922  2.32e7 2.92e7 155    
#>  3        7         103     1 24388524. 2058945. 23396534  2.30e7 2.97e7 117    
#>  4        6         107     1 23857956. 1632290. 23170748  2.30e7 2.91e7 132    
#>  5        8         108     1 24181531. 1970724. 23164770  2.28e7 2.87e7 155    
#>  6        5         163     2 23891868. 1435912. 23362950  2.33e7 2.94e7 155    
#>  7        9          90     2 23364453.  340159. 23271867  2.32e7 2.61e7 149    
#>  8       10          81     2 23703404.  989469. 23394032  2.33e7 2.88e7 120    
#>  9        3          49     1 23257461.  449145. 23140210  2.31e7 2.62e7 71     
#> 10        2          39     2 23169563.   37019. 23168056  2.31e7 2.33e7 138