Parallel categories plot of selected configurations. Numerical parameters are discretized to maximum n_bins intervals. To visualize configurations of other iterations these must be provided setting the argument iterations, groups of configurations of different iterations are shown in different colors. Specific configurations can be selected providing their ids in the id_configurations argument.

  id_configurations = NULL,
  param_names = NULL,
  iterations = NULL,
  by_n_param = NULL,
  n_bins = 3,
  filename = NULL



The data generated when loading the .Rdata file created by irace (or the filename of that file).


Configuration ids to be included in the plot. Example: c(20,50,100,300,500,600,700)


(character()) Parameters to be included in the plot. Example: c("algorithm","alpha","rho","q0","rasrank").


Numeric vector, iterations from which configuration should be obtained (example: iterations = c(1,4,5))


Numeric (optional), maximum number of parameters to be displayed.


Numeric (default 3), number of intervals to generate for numerical parameters.


(character(1)) File name to save the plot, for example "~/path/example/filename.png".


parallel categories plot


The parameters to be included in the plot can be selected with the param_names argument. Additionally, the maximum number of parameters to be displayed in one plot. A list of plots is returned by this function in several plots are required to display the selected data.


iraceResults <- read_logfile(system.file(package="irace", "exdata",
                                         "irace-acotsp.Rdata", mustWork = TRUE))
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 5 named 'alpha'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 5 named 'alpha'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 6 named 'beta'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 6 named 'beta'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 7 named 'rho'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 7 named 'rho'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 8 named 'ants'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 8 named 'ants'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 9 named 'nnls'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 9 named 'nnls'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 10 named 'q0'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 10 named 'q0'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 12 named 'rasrank'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 12 named 'rasrank'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 13 named 'elitistants'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 13 named 'elitistants'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Removed 624 rows containing non-finite outside the scale range
#> (`stat_parallel_sets()`).
#> Warning: Removed 624 rows containing non-finite outside the scale range
#> (`stat_parallel_sets_axes()`).
#> Warning: Removed 624 rows containing non-finite outside the scale range
#> (`stat_parallel_sets_axes()`).

# \donttest{ 
parallel_cat(iraceResults, by_n_param = 6)
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 5 named 'alpha'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 5 named 'alpha'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 6 named 'beta'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 6 named 'beta'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 7 named 'rho'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 7 named 'rho'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 8 named 'ants'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 8 named 'ants'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 9 named 'nnls'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 9 named 'nnls'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 10 named 'q0'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 10 named 'q0'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 12 named 'rasrank'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 12 named 'rasrank'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 13 named 'elitistants'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 13 named 'elitistants'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> [[1]]
#> Warning: Removed 248 rows containing non-finite outside the scale range
#> (`stat_parallel_sets()`).
#> Warning: Removed 248 rows containing non-finite outside the scale range
#> (`stat_parallel_sets_axes()`).
#> Warning: Removed 248 rows containing non-finite outside the scale range
#> (`stat_parallel_sets_axes()`).

#> [[2]]
#> Warning: Removed 64 rows containing non-finite outside the scale range
#> (`stat_parallel_sets()`).
#> Warning: Computation failed in `stat_parallel_sets()`.
#> Caused by error in `sapply(diagonals, nrow) / 4`:
#> ! non-numeric argument to binary operator
#> Warning: Removed 64 rows containing non-finite outside the scale range
#> (`stat_parallel_sets_axes()`).
#> Warning: Removed 64 rows containing non-finite outside the scale range
#> (`stat_parallel_sets_axes()`).

parallel_cat(iraceResults, id_configurations = c(20, 50, 100))
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 5 named 'alpha'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 5 named 'alpha'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 6 named 'beta'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 6 named 'beta'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 7 named 'rho'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 7 named 'rho'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 9 named 'nnls'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 10 named 'q0'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 12 named 'rasrank'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 13 named 'elitistants'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Removed 16 rows containing non-finite outside the scale range
#> (`stat_parallel_sets()`).
#> Warning: Removed 16 rows containing non-finite outside the scale range
#> (`stat_parallel_sets_axes()`).
#> Warning: Computation failed in `stat_parallel_sets_axes()`.
#> Caused by error in `compute_panel()`:
#> ! Axis aesthetics must be constant in each split
#> Warning: Removed 16 rows containing non-finite outside the scale range
#> (`stat_parallel_sets_axes()`).
#> Warning: Computation failed in `stat_parallel_sets_axes()`.
#> Caused by error in `compute_panel()`:
#> ! Axis aesthetics must be constant in each split

parallel_cat(iraceResults, param_names = c("algorithm", "alpha", "rho", "q0", "rasrank"))
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 5 named 'alpha'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 5 named 'alpha'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 6 named 'beta'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 6 named 'beta'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 7 named 'rho'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 7 named 'rho'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 8 named 'ants'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 8 named 'ants'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 9 named 'nnls'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 9 named 'nnls'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 10 named 'q0'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 10 named 'q0'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 12 named 'rasrank'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 12 named 'rasrank'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 13 named 'elitistants'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 13 named 'elitistants'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Removed 104 rows containing non-finite outside the scale range
#> (`stat_parallel_sets()`).
#> Warning: Computation failed in `stat_parallel_sets()`.
#> Caused by error in `sapply(diagonals, nrow) / 4`:
#> ! non-numeric argument to binary operator
#> Warning: Removed 104 rows containing non-finite outside the scale range
#> (`stat_parallel_sets_axes()`).
#> Warning: Removed 104 rows containing non-finite outside the scale range
#> (`stat_parallel_sets_axes()`).

parallel_cat(iraceResults, iterations = c(1, 4, 6), n_bins=4)
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 5 named 'alpha'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 5 named 'alpha'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 6 named 'beta'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 6 named 'beta'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 7 named 'rho'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 7 named 'rho'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 8 named 'ants'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 8 named 'ants'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 9 named 'nnls'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 9 named 'nnls'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 10 named 'q0'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 10 named 'q0'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 12 named 'rasrank'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 12 named 'rasrank'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 13 named 'elitistants'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Coercing 'character' RHS to 'double' to match the type of column 13 named 'elitistants'.
#> Warning: NAs introduced by coercion
#> Warning: Removed 296 rows containing non-finite outside the scale range
#> (`stat_parallel_sets()`).
#> Warning: Removed 296 rows containing non-finite outside the scale range
#> (`stat_parallel_sets_axes()`).
#> Warning: Removed 296 rows containing non-finite outside the scale range
#> (`stat_parallel_sets_axes()`).

# }